PolicyPak Security & Technical Whitepaper Series

This whitepaper series will show you how PolicyPak can maximize your control over your system.

Jeremy Moskowitz former Group Policy MVP

Jeremy Moskowitz
Microsoft MVP
Enterprise Mobility

24 Ransomware Tips

Preventing ransomware is a top cybersecurity priority, but mitigating the risk is easier said than done. According to an article by Cybercrime Magazine in 2018, it was predicted that a new business would fall victim to ransomware every 14 seconds in 2019, and by 2021, that time would decrease to just 11 seconds. To help you protect your Windows 10 desktop environment from ransomware, we’ve compiled a list of 24 crucial steps you should take into account today! You should use these steps in conjunction with one another as part of a multilayered strategy; do not depend on any one of them individually.

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