PolicyPak Security & Technical Whitepaper Series

This whitepaper series will show you how PolicyPak can maximize your control over your system.

Jeremy Moskowitz former Group Policy MVP

Jeremy Moskowitz
Microsoft MVP
Enterprise Mobility

AppLocker vs. PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager

AppLocker vs. PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager

This paper explains Microsoft AppLocker vs. PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager and where each has merit and best use cases.

Who should read this whitepaper?

Anyone interested in more security. AppLocker might not be enough for organizations who want more security. And, those with Windows 10 Pro, AppLocker isn’t even an option.

Additionally, learn:

  • How PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager and AppLocker are similar (and different.)
  • How to instantly lock down malware and “unknown-ware.”
  • How to elevate UAC prompts: Something AppLocker simply cannot do.

Summary of the whitepaper:

In the box is Microsoft AppLocker, and it has a lot to offer; if you care to keep it maintained with a lot of care and feeding. But even then, AppLocker doesn’t address the number one concern of admins which is how to remove local admin rights. And, AppLocker doesn’t work at all with Windows Professional machines; only Windows Ultimate.

PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager, on the other hand does everything Microsoft AppLocker does, and more. Most specifically, PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager can enable IT Admins to remove local Admin rights, and elevate precise scenarios where Admin rights were once needed.

This paper is absolutely free. Enjoy!

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