Why does PolicyPak licensing ask “Who am I?” and “Where do I want to use it?”

Let’s jump to the end of the story and take a look at what the License Tool generates when you’re making a license request. There’s always two items: “Scope” and “SOM_name”. There’s always just one scope and there could be several SOM_Names. “Scope” means: Where you might ever possibly use PolicyPak. Typically, this is (and […]

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Prevent Sodinokibi Ransomware from Infecting Your Enterprise

Preventing Sodinokibi Ransomware and similar strains require a combination of software and knowhow. In this blog, we’ll review both, so you can confidently build out your cybersecurity program. Cost of Ransomware The cost of Ransomware is rising astronomically. According to an article published by Bankinfosecurity.com, the average ransomware payment increased to $36,292 in Q2 of […]

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