PolicyPak Licensing and Purchasing FAQs

What is the difference between PolicyPak Enterprise Edition and PolicyPak Professional Edition?

PolicyPak Enterprise Edition means you get access to all Paks and all Policies within the Paks. You also automatically get any new Paks and Policies we create during your term. You also get every available Solution (aka deployment method) to deploy those settings (like Active Directory, PolicyPak Cloud, your MDM service, or your UEM tol.)

Professional Edition is similar, but there you specifically choose your Paks and therefore the Policies that come in that Pak.

Said another way: PolicyPak Enterprise Edition is the “Get Everything” plan, and PolicyPak Professional Edition is the “A la carte” plan.

With PolicyPak Professional Edition, you may add Paks mid-year and pay a pro-rated mid-year true up, or to transfer over to PolicyPak Enterprise Edition if you would like to “Get Everything.”