Portal Release Notes

2-20-2019: CSE 1988

1. PolicyPak Feature Manager for Windows
(see PDF release notes and videos).
2. PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager
(see PDF release notes and videos).
A. Admin Approval
(see PDF release notes and videos).
B. On-Demand rules
(see PDF release notes and videos).
C. Event Logs for applied rules
(when a process is Elevated or Allowed by a rule, or Blocked by a rule or SecureRun)
(see PDF release notes and videos).
D. Fixed non-working elevation when LSA protection is enabled

E. Fixed incorrect SecureRun state in ADMX reports

3. PolicyPak Browser Router

A. Open link in a new tab (Experimental)

B. Fixed non-stop routing in FF60

C. Fixed zone-based rules on VDI

4. PPJava Rules Manager
A. New Java versions available

5. Misc

A. Computer-side and switched mode PolicyPak policies will now be downloaded and processes when user logs in

B. ILT bugfixes

C. Stability improvements (fixed a bunch of crashes, issues related to handling PPCloud/MDM/XMLData policies, etc.)