Portal Release Notes

2/06/2024: PolicyPak Build number 24.2.3799

General & UI Updates
Netwrix PolicyPak Now Supports Windows 11 Context Menus in the CSE

By popular request, Windows 11 right-click context menus are now supported for end-users. See KB about this new feature
here. Note: Windows 10 style menus do not change on Windows 10.

Netwrix PolicyPak End of Life for PolicyPak VPN Manager

It was announced last year that the first build of 2024 would stop PolicyPak VPN Manager policies from processing. As such, this build is the first to stop processing PolicyPak VPN policies. MMC snap-in / UI elements were removed in previous builds.

Netwrix PolicyPak End of Life for Unsupported Windows OSs

It was announced last year that the first build of 2024 would prevent PolicyPak CSE from installing on non-Modern operating systems. As such, previous builds might have installed, but not all features were available. Starting with this build, only modern Windows is supported, like Windows 10 and 11 and Server 2019 and Server 2022.

PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager
Improved Self Elevate Context Menu

Self Elevate right-click flyout is improved if both Self Elevate and explicit rules would apply to the same executable. Now if Self Elevate is selected AND there is an explicit rule which would automatically perform the elevation, the explicit rule will apply (and not Self Elevate.)

PolicyPak Network Security Manager
DNS Name Support

Network Security Manager can now specify domain names to allow or block (in addition to IP addresses.).
Video demo.

Misc PolicyPak CSE Fixes:
  • PolicyPak Preferences 2.0 Shortcut Item: Now creates folder on-the-fly if it doesn’t exist.
  • PolicyPak Scripts & Triggers: MMC fix to always show “With elevated rights” checkbox.
  • PolicyPak Scripts & Triggers: MMC fix to always show all months in Monthly trigger fixed.
  • Elevating CLSID {7007ACD1-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E} (change NIC properties) fixed.
  • Some CSE upgrade scenarios from 23.10 to latest fixed.
  • PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager SecureRun™ first block prompt slow is now fixed.
  • PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager Right-click evaluations for very large files now fixed.
  • PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager has new ADMX option to turn off Certificate Revocation Checking. This option is NOT recommended, but available if revocation checking takes too long. Screenshot here.
Misc PolicyPak Group Policy Compliance Reporter Fixes:
  • PolicyPak Group Policy Compliance Reporter now honors Enterprise Full licenses.
PolicyPak Cloud Updates & Fixes
  • PolicyPak Cloud + ARM installer support now available per customer. Screenshot here and here.
  • PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager + PolicyPak Netwrix Privilege Secure how has “Enable certificate bypass” checkbox. Screenshot here.
  • Emails coming from new email service (no action needed.)
  • Mass deletion of computers now available when viewing Computers list
  • PolicyPak VPN Policies retired
  • PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager Policies can have user SID added
  • PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager Policies can have “Force user to reauthenticate” checkbox
  • Event Reporting fix for very large reports which caused CSV truncation
  • Event Viewer fix for very large eventing display (>5 million records).