Portal Release Notes

9/16/2019: PPGPCR 2183

PPGPCR (Compliance Reporter) updates:
– Can now EXPORT results as HTML and CSV (#1 most requested feature !)
– Can now use SQL as database, instead of built-in SQLExpress (#2 most requested feature !)
– Can migrate from SQLExpress to SQL if desired. Known bug if you cancel this process; simply restart PPGPCR Service to get back to normal.
– Higher capacity of results accepted in SQL server.
– Can now scope results by OU and “Smart Filters”
– Windows 10 1903 and Server 2019 support added
– Database cleanup interval configurable via ADMX
– Test operations now faster
– Server Event logs moved to better place in Event Viewer
– Better high DPI and big monitor support
– Many bugs fixed.