Portal Release Notes

1/10/2020: CSE 2310

– PPBR now supports routing to and from the new Edge (also known as Chrome-Edge or “Edgium”). If BOTH OLD Edge and NEW Edge are on the machine, we route now ONLY to NEW Edge !
– It’s now possible to configure display name of how Windows 10 shows Browser Router Agent. For example, “Managed by your organization” or any other text may be displayed instead of PolicyPak Browser Router.
(Pic in Admin UI: https://share.getcloudapp.com/yAuL1KOJ )
(Pic in User UI: https://share.getcloudapp.com/P8uYQQ17 )

– Blocking of untrusted apps silently using SecureRun. So optionally show NO MESSAGE when something is not owned by someone on SecureRun list.
– Blocking of untrusted apps with custom messages using SecureRun

(Pic in UI of both of those features: https://share.getcloudapp.com/geurRRlW )

– Context variables in PPLPM custom block messages (e.g. %POLICY_NAME% or %PROCESS_EXECUTABLE_OWNER%). Pic in Admin UI: https://share.getcloudapp.com/NQuvllZG
– Clickable links (http, https and mailto) in PPLPM custom block messages
– Custom block messages are now copiable

(Pic in Admin UI: https://share.getcloudapp.com/9ZuNooXg )
(Pic in User UI: )

– PPLPM CSE now blocks most of background activities related to blocked apps silently
– PPLPM snap-in now suggests to add a File Info / Product Info condition when Signature Condition is being configured for an installer
– PPSSM and PPTBM now tries to locate the target executable in %PROGRAMFILES(x86)% when %PROGRAMFILES% is used and vice versa
– PPSSM now allows to select between a single-column and two-column Start Screen layout

(Pic in Admin UI: https://share.getcloudapp.com/E0uEyyXm )

– PPAM Firefox Pak: Bookmarks handler in PPAM now supports two new commands (Needs updated CSE)
– {Folder Path}, [{Root Folder},] remove-folder (e.g. Folder Name, remove-folder or Folder Name, toolbar, remove-folder). Please see #5916 for details
– [{Root Folder},] cleanup (e.g. cleanup or menu, cleanup or toolbar, cleanup). Please see #5972 for details
– Other Security enhancements, stability improvements and misc bugfixes