Portal Release Notes

5/29/2020: CSE 2451

– Big Feature: PP Browser Router: Apply Default Browser One Time… then Drift !
– Big Feature: PP File Associations: Apply some (or all) file associations… then Drift!
– Little Feature: PP Least Priv Rename “Run as PolicyPak” to anything you like.
– Fix: PP App Manager: Firefox Addons now Disable/Enable as expected with FF ESR 68.0.1+
– Fix: File Information tool adjusts for , to .
– Fix: PPBRAgent fix with old Edge
– Other small fixes and stability issues.
– PP Cloud update (not in the CSE, but in the PP Cloud agent): Works now with VDI ! See the videos / KB, but some examples:
PPCloud.exe /sysprep
PPCloud.exe /sysprep /jointoken:AaIstqhlY/j+A9qtQjFkLFg=
PPCloud.exe /unregister
PPCloud.exe /unregister /jointoken:ARCPD+6778MfNzby1gXjJEI=