Portal Release Notes

7/30/2020: CSE 2513

CSE Updates: New Component ! PolicyPak RDP Manager. See the video(s) at https://www.policypak.com/products/remote-desktop-protocol-manager.html
NOTE: You need to REQUEST an RDP Manager license from [email protected] !
CSE Update: New HUUUGE Feature: PolicyPak Triggers… for PolicyPak Scripts. See the video(s) at https://kb.policypak.com/kb/section/317/
CSE Update: Microsoft Teams support. See video: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/939-managing-teams-settings/
MMC updates: Bugfixes.
CSE Update: Other bugfixes.

PP Cloud updates:
– Emails now come from [email protected] instead from policypak.com and updates show your tenant name.
– Save state in PPC groups
– Support for PP RDP Manager (upload files only, not in cloud editors yet.)

PPGPCR updates:
– Fix for export on crash.
– Support for PP RDP Manager.