Portal Release Notes

10/26/2020: CSE 2592:

NOTICE: This version has a bug in the PPLPM “Admin Approval” method where the expected end-user prompt is not showing up right away. We will fix it in next version.

– Big update: MMC Snap in GPMC now puts components together by TYPE. If you don’t like this, don’t panic. Here’s a video to show how to go back to the way it used to be. https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/983-group-policy-mmc-ui-changes-for-2020/
– Big update: PP Remote Work Deliver Manager “Advanced” features (mass copy, with recursion, file matching, etc.) now available ! : https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/966-mass-copy-folders-and-files-with-filters-and-recursion/
– Small update: ADMX setting “Rename Experimental Features” (disabled) renamed to “Revert to Legacy File Assoc & Browser Router Method & Features” (enabled)
– Fix: PPLPM and command line parsing improved.
– Small add: Update for ADMX setting to manage PolicyPak Event Log size.
– Medium add: ADMX now available to signify additional keywords for application installers (useful if you think you have some process with SecureRun that should be trapped for installation but isn’t.)
Other misc fixes.