Portal Release Notes

11/27:2020: CSE 2630

– New: PP Least Priv Automatically Make rule from Audit Event
– Improved: PPBR MMC now shows “IE+Edge” in Column View. https://share.getcloudapp.com/NQuKdYWQ
– Improved: PPLPM + SecureRun + Command Line Parsing
– PP Scripts: New Trigger supports Cisco AnyConnect and also OpenVPN. Video: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/997-policypak-scripts-and-anyconnect-run-a-script-after-you-connect-via-vpn/
– Improved: MMC Snap-In UI naming: https://share.getcloudapp.com/geuo0pR2
– Fix: PP Taskbar Manager: Fixed misnumbering of policies
– Fix: PP Remote Work Delivery Manager: Revert now fixed when you use “Sequential” mode
– Fix: PPLPM and Elevate On-Demand fixed when attempting to do whole drive (still not recommended!)
– Fix: Unusual format in signature condition now supported.
– Fix: PPRWDM Azure Blob storage validation in MMC
– Fix: PPSCRIPTS Bug fixed when ONCE is selected, script should run exactly once instead of multiple times.
– Fix: PPC and PPOP licensed together problem.