Portal Release Notes

1/20/2021: CSE 2687

– New Component: PolicyPak VPN Manager !
-Manage your VPN and “Always On VPN” connections.
– Example videos are ready https://www.policypak.com/components/vpn-manager/
– Manual(s) are coming soon / going thru editing.
– Learn more about why this is “the best thing ever” by watching this on-demand webinar replay from Richard M. Hicks, MVP and Godfather of Always On VPN. Requires registration, but if you’re a PP Customer, don’t worry, no one is going to call you. https://www.policypak.com/resources/pp-webinars/richard-hicks-always-on-vpn-101-throw-out-your-hardware-and-scale/
– If you want the PolicyPak VPN Manager license, email [email protected] to request it. We will be cutting ONLY “original / old” licenses at present, and not the new Universal licenses.

– New TRIGGER for PP Scripts & Triggers: Now support Fortinet !
– New Universal Licensing option released
– Update: PPLPM Licensing methods: STANARD and COMPLETE with accompanying MMC UI change https://share.getcloudapp.com/YEuQxXLJ

– Fix: Race Condition fix
– Fix: Using PPAM MMC + ILT editor on 32-bit wouldn’t open (80040154 Error)
– Fix: Scripts required for OpenVPN Connect trigger only created when OpenVPN Connect trigger is actually used.
– Fix: Multi-domain support in the CSE for various items; Note: Additional MMC updates should appear in future release.
– Fix: PPLPM: Environment variables are now fixed / honored in command line rules
– Fix: PPLPM: Background UWP processes correctly classified as background / foreground
– Fix: PPLPM Pasted Rules from Events (small fixes)
– Fix: PPLPM + PPC “Approve with Admin Creds” fixed: https://share.getcloudapp.com/v1u4Z2d4
– Fix: PPAM: Firefox 78.4.1 Certificates fixed from FF API change
– Fix: PPLPM Popup / blocking navigating to directory in Windows Explorer
– Fix: PPLPM Webex.exe file info condition wasn’t being accepted