Portal Release Notes

3/1/2021: CSE 2725

– New Component: PolicyPak Software Package Manager (AppX Policies). Must request a license to use. Videos: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/section/366/
– Updated: Licensing Tool to make it easy to request On-Prem AD, Intune Only, or On-PremAD+Intune Hybrid (Video: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1079-how-to-request-a-license-request-key/ )
– Updated: PPupdate command now shows HOW and WHAT components (Policies) you’re licensed for (Article: )
– Updated: PPLPM Global Settings Auditing now on Computer side
– Updated: PP VPN Manager / easier import of EAP XML
– Updated: PPExporter MSI Utility now wraps up new Universal licenses (Video: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1080-how-to-install-universal-licenses-for-new-customers-via-gpo-sccm-or-mdm/ )
– Updated: ADMX setting to transition Command Prompt inline processes to less-secure “Legacy mode” if desired (More details on this page: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1008-why-does-policypak-securerun-block-inline-commands-and-what-can-i-do-to-overcome-or-revert-the-behavior/ )
– Rename “Paks” in all the MMC UIs to coordinate with new web launch and branding (Screenshot: https://share.getcloudapp.com/WnuBmx5p )
– Fixed: Resolve hang at first login (OS upgrades or first user log on) when Admin Approval was on.
– Fixed: AppSet (old name for Paks) Compile Issue