Portal Release Notes
6/16/2021: PolicyPak CSE Update 2830 (21.6.2830)
– New: One big update this build. We have our own Item Level Targeting Engine which you can OPT INTO in this build. Why do we need our own Item Level Targeting Engine, and what’s changed? Before this build, we relied on the Group Policy Preferences Item Level Targeting Engine for ILT evaluation; which generally works, but sometimes has problems over VPN, slow links, and has a few bugs. When issues came up in the GPPRefs ILT engine though, we had no way to fix these issues. We put in place a few workarounds, but ultimately decided to dedicate some resources to our own PolicyPak ILT engine. Now if issues come up, we can fix our own code, providing a future path for updates and features.
Opt in with the ADMX setting: Computer Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | PolicyPak ADMX Settings | Client-Side Extensions | Use Item Level Targeting filters evaluation engine (Preferences vs. PolicyPak)
In a future version (expected with builds “21.9” and later; the default will simply be the PolicyPak ILT engine with the option to revert BACK to the Preferences ILT engine.)
-Updated: GPExport: Additional fields ACTION , PATH and ILT in GPExport
-Updated: Record event to the Event Log when process is elevated or allowed due to rule inheritance
– Fixed: PPLPM: Slow application launch time when Self-Elevation policy contains a bunch of individual users
– Fixed: PPLPM: Secure Copy – Incorrect validation for Network Share Source page
– Fixed: PPScripts runs script as user with elevated rights if user from Admins group
– Fixed PPRWDM: Error: Job milestone: ‘Copy’ has failed while apply dropbox policy