Portal Release Notes

8/25/21: PolicyPak CSE and Cloud Update 2905

– New PPLPM: Least Privilege Manager now has BRANDED UI with your icons, colors, etc. Video: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1151-branding-the-ui-and-dialogs/

– New COMPONENT: PolicyPak Device Manager for USB and CD-ROM control.
** Note: You need to REQUEST an update license for ON-PREM or MDM. Cloud will already have license for LEGACY CLOUD customers.

Video: PolicyPak Device Manager Basics / Instantly put the smack down on USB sticks and CD-ROMs: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1155-instantly-put-the-smackdown-on-usb-sticks-and-cd-roms/

Video: Allow ONE user (or group) access to USB / CD-ROMs https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1156-allow-one-user-or-group-access-to-usb-and-or-cd-rom-and-dvds/

Video: Authorize USB Sticks by specific VENDOR. https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1157-authorize-usb-sticks-by-vendor-type/

Video: Permit specific USB by SERIAL number. (COMPLETE EDITION ONLY) https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1158-permit-specific-devices-by-serial-number/

– FIX PP RDP Manager: Now keep RDP file signature intact when file is imported in the snap-in/PP Cloud editor.
– Update Scripts & Triggers: Updated UI for Events triggers
– FIX PPBR: policy types won’t apply if the collection doesn’t have anything else
– FIX ADMX: Newer snapins were absent in PolicyPak ADMX settings
– FIX PP Feature Manager: Collection settings when collection is empty
– FIX: Helper Service unexpectedly stopped
– FIX: PPScripts: Scripts with PowerShell would open/close Windows interactively on screen.
– Improved PP Cloud: Company-level “Password & account management & lockout” policies
– Improved PP Cloud: Policy report ( XML Delivery ) now exportable
– Improved PP Cloud: Improved LICENSED and NON-LICENSED reporting details