Portal Release Notes

10/11/21: CSE 2943 (21.10.2943.726)

Updates and new features!


  • PP Scripts: “Once or when forced” will now execute user script corrrectly.
  • PP Browser Router: Routing from Firefox ESR 91 to other browsers fixed.
  • PP Helper Tool: Fix for Printers app for app crash
  • PP RDP Manager: Allow blank computer name
  • PPLPM + MDM: Fix SecureRun not always applying
  • PP App Manager: DesignStudio + VC2019 working correctly
  • PP Scripts: Fix for scripts not running at all for some customers.
  • PP Scripts: Fix for “Run once” policies not running at all for some customers.
  • PP GP Compliance Reporter: Auditor License issues fixed.
  • PP GP Compliance Reporter: Auditor fixed data from Computer side
  • PolicyPak Cloud: New In-Cloud PolicyPak Device Manager Editor !
  • PolicyPak Cloud Client now can support movement via command line.
  • PolicyPak Cloud: Various fixes and improvements.