Portal Release Notes

10/17/2022: PolicyPak CSE 3319 (22.10.3319.752) and PolicyPak Cloud and GP Compliance Reporter

[Netwrix PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager]
  • Privileged Administrator Screen Recording: Records, archives, and plays back privileged local desktop activity when access is brokered by Netwrix SbPAM. WATCH VIDEO
  • ShellExecute Least Privilege Management: Intercepts, prompts, and audits ShellExecute API style UAC prompts when explicit elevation rules are configured.
  • Simplified Printer Management: Enables users to install printers securely using the native Windows 10/11 “Add Printers and Scanners” UI (Only available for CSE 22.10 or later). WATCH VIDEO
  • Simplified IP Configuration Management: Enables users to edit IP settings using the native Windows 10/11 “Network and Internet Settings” UI (Only available for CSE 22.10 or later). WATCH VIDEO
  • Streamlined UI for executing Netwrix SbPAM Rules: Embedded Netwrix SbPAM rules enable administrators to broker Java, Script, and other policies more easily. SEE SCREENSHOT 1. SEE SCREENSHOT 2.
  • Expanded Control Panel Applet Policies: Configure and deploy least privilege management policies for standard users to access Event Viewer and Performance Monitor. SEE SCREENSHOT.
  • Fix: Child Process Still Elevated while “Don’t elevate Open/Save dialog” is Enabled.
  • Fix in MMC: Elevating folders now allowed again. SEE SCREENSHOT
[Netwrix PolicyPak Device Manager]
  • Phone and Device Blocking: Blocks access to connected phones, music players, Windows Portable Devices (WPD), and other Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) devices. SEE SCREENSHOT NOTE: iPhones not yet supported, but most Android devices are supported. Only works with CSE 22.10 and later. Phones will be blocked immediately upon CSE installation. To avoid phones from being blocked, update the policy and un-check phones first using the MMC snap-in. Then, update the CSE.
[Netwrix PolicyPak Preferences 2.0]
  • New ADMX Setting: Explicitly un-licenses/turns off PolicyPak Preferences 2.0 CSE
  • Drag & Drop Support: Supports drag & drop and other important methods for printers and drive maps from Microsoft Group Policy Preferences files. SEE SCREENSHOT.
  • Reconnect Status: Reconnect status for drive map policies now visible in MMC table. SEE SCREENSHOT.
[PolicyPak Cloud]
  • PolicyPak Preferences 2.0 Printers Editors: Configure and deploy printer policies from the convenience of an in-cloud editor (CSE v22.10 and later)
  • Administrator Re-authentication: Forces users to re-authenticate when Netwrix SbPAM sessions are initiated (Netwrix SbPAM integration is “read-only” but seen in reporting)
  • Event Collector Restrictions: Restricts events a set number per day
  • Default Expiration: Sets default expiration date to 5 years for new join tokens are created
  • Fix: Fixed alerts for “License is not present” when creating user policies when license not present.
  • Fix: Various UI fixes for time zone issues
[Misc Fixes]
  • Various ILT fixes in CSE