Portal Release Notes
12/8/2022: PolicyPak Build number 22.12.3375.735
[PolicyPak Overall]
- New: Quick Right-Click Enable / Disable Implemented for all policies and collections (Except PP App Settings Manager). Screenshot examples for PPLPM but all others supported: https://share.getcloudapp.com/KounQRnA and https://share.getcloudapp.com/mXub7NbG
- Improved: PPUPDATE now shows non-licensed and multi-licensed conditions. Example: https://share.getcloudapp.com/GGuJA8Ab
- New: PPUPDATE /XMLSTATUS /OUT c:\temp outputs license status as XML
- Fix: MMC fix for missing icons after editing.
- New (Finally!): MMC Cut & Paste for most policies and collections !
- Fix: Install fixed for older OSs with “DLL Missing” error.
[PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager]
- Improved MMC: Right-click menus now streamlined and context aware
- Improved: Admin Approval Tool now has auto-close timeouts via ADMX setting Screenshot: https://share.getcloudapp.com/eDun9vOY . Note ONLY the Admin Approval tool from this build and later will support the ADMX.
- Improved: Netwrix sbPam session de-provisioning dialog
- Fix: SecureRun not properly evaluating domain group added to local administrators group
[PolicyPak Device Manager]
Improved: DEVICE_INSTANCE_PATH can be added to custom message (explaining to users which device was blocked)
[PolicyPak Browser Router]
Fix: Issues with the 5-minute timeout in Chromium were fixed in the Chrome Extension. This is meant to work latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (Versions 104.* and higher; current is 107.*). If you’re experiencing Chrome timeouts, update Chrome/Edge to the latest and Browser Router Extension will auto-download latest.
[PolicyPak Preferences 2.0]
- Major Feature: Registry Preferences (for GPO reduction and transition to MDM) Video: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1229-policpak-preferences-consolidate-registry-items-and-also-deploy-them-via-pp-cloud-and-your-mdm-service/ .
- TIP: You need only ONE license called the “PolicyPak Preferences 2.0 License” (Enterprise or Pro Customers (with the GPO Reductions & Transitions Pak) may request the license by emailing [email protected]) which will enable DRIVE MAPS, PRINTERS and REGISTRY (today) and others, like SHORTCUTS (future).