Portal Release Notes

8/31/2023: PolicyPak Build number 23.8.3641.753

Netwrix is pleased to announce the general availability of Netwrix PolicyPak build number 23.8.3635.722. With this release you will be able to benefit from the following:

PolicyPak User Interface

PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager node is now tucked within a new Top-Level node called Netwrix Privilege Secure. No PolicyPak policies are affected with the UI update. Details about the UI update and how Netwrix Privilege Secure customers can upgrade from Netwrix Privilege Secure MMC to PolicyPak MMC here.

Bug Fix for Logons

Deadlock issue resolved for the “Program blocked by Group Policy” during logon.

Bug Fix for Logouts

Fixes occasional black screen issue on logout

Network Security Manager Disablement

You can now use the ADMX setting to disable Network Security Manager. See KB for details.

Update for Unsupported Operating Systems

The current build isn’t compatible with Windows 7, 8, Server 2008 R2, or Server 2012 R2. A separate “hotfix build” is available for these OS, but it lacks the new features. For this hotfix, email [email protected]. Note that there will be no further support for these older systems. Specific support details can be found on the PolicyPak website. For more information on Windows 7 support, click here. For more details on other supported operating systems, click here.

PolicyPak MMC Updates
Netwrix Privilege Secure Node

The MMC now has a new “Netwrix Privilege Secure” node, with PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager nested within it. This UI change doesn’t impact any policies. Netwrix Privilege Secure customers can find upgrade details for the PolicyPak MMC

PolicyPak VPN Manager Node Removal

The PolicyPak VPN Manager MMC snap-in has been removed. However, the CSE will process VPN Manager policies until Jan 2024. Refer to the PolicyPak VPN Manager Sunset announcement for more details.

MMC Policy Improvement

Prefixes added to duplicated policies to avoid confusion.

PolicyPak Cloud Improvements
  • Brand new  “PolicyPak Network Security Manager” in-Cloud Editor
  • PolicyPak Scripts & Triggers In-Cloud Editor now supports “Event Triggers” editing
  • Immutable log viewer now has CSV download option
  • Immutable log now expresses Azure AD Access Configuration modifications
  • Updated PolicyPak Cloud Client for Windows with misc improvement including improved logging with Event ids
  • New MacOs Client version which utilizes new synchronization engine. Warning: You need to update your Mac clients to this version before the end of September to keep synchronization to Macs working, as we expect to turn off the old synchronization engine service at that time.
PolicyPak Product and Licensing Updates
Enterprise Full License Type

Starting with this CSE, we support the ‘Enterprise Full’ (or Enterprise+) license. Please read the entire KB here before requesting an Enterprise Full license from Support.

Enterprise Full License Instructions

Customers with PolicyPak Enterprise entitlements can request Enterprise Full license keys by emailing [email protected], using the subject “Enterprise Full Key Request for <your company name>.” Requests will typically be processed in the order they’re received. It’s essential to note that these licenses will only be valid on endpoints with CSE version 23.8.3635.722 installed. While you can request the key now, it’s recommended to install them alongside your controlled 23.8.3635.722 rollout. For further insights on licensing, refer to the updated KB article titled “How can I tell how a machine is licensed?”

PolicyPak Software Package Manager and WinGet Delivery
Winget Delivery

You can now distribute policies using WinGet, alongside GPO, Cloud and MDM joined with features like Item Level Targeting. Learn about delivering packages with WinGet, discovering interesting WinGet packages with WinGet-Run, the Software Package Manager Helper tool, and how to install WinGet on Servers if needed (Unsupported.)

AppX Fix

We’ve fixed the issue where some AppX settings failed to reach endpoints or connect to the MSSTORE catalog.

Drag and Drop Fix

Policies now maintained on drag and drop.

PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager
Netwrix Privilege Secure

Netwrix PolicyPak and Netwrix Privilege secure share the same client-side extension. For more details on updates to the MMC click here. For more information on upgrade paths for Netwrix Privilege Secure, click here.

Admin Approval Long Code Support

Full publisher details are now in the long code. Update the CSE on endpoints and the Admin Approval tool to utilize this feature. See the example result.

Admin Approval Enhancement for Untrusted Applications

You can now show admin approval dialogs for untrusted applications. See example and read KB article for more information.

Enhanced Behavior for Custom Menu Items

Text for custom menu items now displays different results depending on Admin Approval state and rule matches. KB article.

MMC Editor Updates

For certain action types, the open/save dialog is disabled to ensure a streamlined user experience.

Enhanced Guidance XML for Helper Tools

Improved digital signature for PolicyPak have resulted in modified Guidance XMLs. For a screen shot example click here. For more information, view a demo video here.

PolicyPak Cloud for Mac Client
Updated synchronization engine

Latest PolicyPak Cloud for Mac client will use newest synchronization engine to PolicyPak Cloud; as we are expected to turn off the original synchronization engine soon. All Mac customers are required to update within 15 days to the new client.

PolicyPak Group Policy Merge Utility
Enhanced Settings Management

Now you can take existing PolicyPak settings and back them out into Microsoft settings. See example here.