Windows 10 and Active Directory Security Best Practices for Preventing Ransomware in Retail and Commercial Banks

Retail, commercial and internet banks control finances for individuals and businesses and are therefore accountable for protecting personally identifiable information like names, social security numbers, and accounting details. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the financial industry employs more than 156 million workers. Moreover, analysts predict that remote roles like financial managers and personal financial advisors will increase significantly by 2026 – nearly all of whom will rely on Microsoft Windows Operating Systems to conduct business and serve clients. With over 5,000+ settings to choose from, Group Policy is one of the most critical tools used to protect financial networks from cybercrime, insider threats, and human error.

DECEMBER 03, 2019 at 1PM EDT

Join Jeremy Moskowitz, 15-Time Microsoft MVP for Endpoint Management and Enterprise Mobility, for a free 60-minute webinar on Group Policy Security best practices. During this webinar, you’ll receive 100% free group policy security tips taken directly from Jeremy’s award-winning Group Policy training program. Plus, you’ll learn how Active Directory and Group Policy Administrators around the country use PolicyPak to simplify Group Policy Security for millions of endpoints. Jeremy will also review how some of America’s largest financial institutions use PolicyPak to protect personal information.

Windows 10 and Active Directory Security Best Practices for Preventing Ransomware covers the following topics:

  1. Delegating Permissions over Group Policy usage
  2. Default GPOs and Fine-Grained Password Policy
  3. AppLocker, DeviceGuard & PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager
  4. LAPS: Local Admin Password Solution
  5. Application and Browser Security using PolicyPak

About the Speaker:

Jeremy Moskowitz is a 15-time Microsoft MVP for endpoint management and enterprise mobility using Group Policy and Modern Device Management. Jeremy’s published works include Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security and the Managed Desktop (Copyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons., Indianapolis, Indiana) and MDM: Fundamentals, Security and Modern Desktop (Copyright © 2019 by John Wiley & Sons., Indianapolis, Indiana). Jeremy Moskowitz is the CEO and head instructor for, which has enrolled over 16,000 students and is the founder of PolicyPak Software, which manages and protects nearly 2 Million endpoints worldwide.

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