PolicyPak Security & Technical Whitepaper Series

This whitepaper series will show you how PolicyPak can maximize your control over your system.

Jeremy Moskowitz former Group Policy MVP

Jeremy Moskowitz
Microsoft MVP
Enterprise Mobility

PolicyPak + HIPAA Compliance Doing Everything You Can to Meet HIPPA Requirements

PolicyPak protects personal health information (PHI) and therefore plays a crucial role in your HIPAA strategy. The examples in this paper show how PolicyPak will not only help secure your electronic data from being compromised but will also protect your users and devices from other threats such as ransomware, cryptomining, keylogging trojans, and other malicious malware.

PolicyPak’s goal is not to replace what you already have or to reinvent the wheel. It simply utilizes and interacts with the tools your Windows network already has, such as Group Policy, Windows Security Settings, and encryption tools. In HIPAA’s documentation, it is stated that your approach requires reasonable diligence. Maximizing the utilization of the tools you already have could be considered a reasonable and diligent approach to protecting your enterprise.

Throughout the rest of this paper, we will show how PolicyPak helps you configure and deploy policies that secure your environment to meet and even exceed many of the objectives outlined by HIPAA.

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