Customer Support FAQ

What do I get with my yearly Product Maintenance?

Product maintenance gets you to:

  1. Phone support for any/all licensing issues.
  2. A real person as your Customer Success manager to help you find anything you need from us… for as long as you’re a customer.
  3. Phone support from one of our Tech Leads to help you get started with your PolicyPak product (also known as our free “Onboarding”
  4. service).

  5. Email support for any “customer specific” issues. We reply by email or phone as necessary.
  6. “Remote control” your machine (with your permission) to help you out of a jam as required.
  7. Unlimited updates for the product you have purchased.
  8. Any new or updated Pre-configured AppSet we create (in the case of PolicyPak Application Manager).
  9. Any new or updated pre-configured Advice (in the case of PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager, etc.)
  10. All bug updates and/or product enhancements for any products which are licensed.
  11. If you’re using products with PolicyPak Cloud, free updates and enhancements as they occur.